折紙アートミュージアム設立の経 緯と目的
名 称 : 折紙アートミュージアム
英文名称 : Origami Art Museum
館長 三浦公亮
運営委員 羽鳥公士郎、北條高史、川畑文昭、川崎敏和、小松英夫、前川 淳、松浦英子、三谷 純、
西川誠司、 小野友彰、舘 知宏、高柳 浩、立石浩一、津田良夫、山口 真
運営 折紙アートミュージアムの展示は、運営委員会によって企画案が検討され適切なキュレーター
As an art where the specific shape is obtained by folding paper, origami has become popular throughout races, genders, and ages in many countries. While many traditional models that express their subjects’ distinguishing shapes in simple forms have been passed down, a lot of representational works that reproduce the subjects’ subtle shapes as accurate as possible have been created since 1980s. Theoretical researches to design such realistic models have also been developed. Moreover, potential of origami is getting recognized in various fields: folding materials other than paper in Engineering, teaching Geometry by folding paper, recovering functions of impaired fingers, and so on. Aiming at maintaining and developing the origami culture by not only presenting origami models folded in play or art but also introducing different possibilities of origami, Origami Art Museum was founded by Japan Origami Academic Society.
Tsuda Yoshio
Organization and Administration
President: Koryo Miura
Operating committee: Koshiro Hatori, Takashi Hojyo, Fumiaki Kawahata, Hideo Komatsu, Jun Maekawa, Eiko Matsuura, Jun Mitani, Seiji Nishikawa, Tomoaki Ono, Tomohiro Tachi, Hiroshi Takayanagi, Koichi Tateishi, Yoshio Tsuda, Makoto Yamaguchi
The exhibitions of Origami Art Museum will be produced by appropriate curators under direction of the operating committee that consists of the members of the board of Japan Origami Academic Society and other members of JOAS who was nominated by the board of JOAS.
Contact information
Origami Art Museum operating committee